As of January 1, 2017 the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board approved an increase in benefits for Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers with permanent total disability from $400 to $600 per week.
This is the first increase for volunteers since 1998.
Fire Districts Mutual Insurance of New York acted on the law change immediately with the limited claims we currently have and will monitor all future claims for the appropriate amount. We monitor all State notifications and will relay any information that may have an impact on our book of business.
We have recently heard back from the New York State Rating Board as to what effect this change will have on rates moving forward. The State has advised that this new law will have a minimal impact on the rate that will be submitted to Department of financial Services (DFS) later this year.
If you have specific questions for:
Underwriting, contact Trisha Higgins at [email protected] or ext. 7931
Company, contact Ken Willis at [email protected] or ext. 7041
We are committed to providing the best service and strive to be the industry leader in workers compensation and volunteer firefighters benefit law (VFBL) in New York State.