Volunteer fire departments across New York State will open their doors and fire truck bays to local residents during the weekend of Saturday, April 26 and Sunday, April 27 as part of the fourth annual RecruitNY statewide volunteer firefighter recruitment effort. RecruitNY is designed to help increase volunteer membership which has suffered over the last […]
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BULLETIN: VFBL Coverage for 16- & 17-Year-Old Volunteer Firefighters
As the fire service prioritizes recruitment efforts, many fire districts look to a new, younger generation of members and future leadership development. It is an important tradition and process to ensure that the fire service will continue to evolve and meet the needs of our communities. As the recruitment of young volunteer firefighters develops, we […]
Volunteer Firefighting & “Junior Firefighters”: What Your Department Should Know*
Perhaps no other area of the fire service law has more misconceptions and greater pitfalls than the sponsoring of youth programs within a volunteer fire department. This article is the first of a two-part series intended to identify and explain the differences in the types of youth programs recognized in the volunteer fire service in […]
Safety Survey
A few years ago we conducted a Safety Survey of our customers and compared our overall claims costs with the results of the survey. What we learned was that one of the greatest factor’s in reducing injuries was the resultant of having an effective Health and Safety Officer. Here are some helpful articles on Health […]
Fire Districts Mutual of New York earns AM Best Rating for second consecutive year
Fire Districts of New York Mutual Insurance Company, Inc. (FDMNY), has maintained its AM Best “A-” rating in the Financial Strength Rating and Issuer Credit Rating categories for a second consecutive year. “AM Best has assigned a Financial Strength Rating of ‘A-’ (Excellent) to FDMNY. The outlook assigned to these Credit Ratings (ratings) is stable,” […]
NEW EMFs for all NYS Employers (2023)
We have an important insurance update to share regarding all Workers Compensation and/or Volunteer Firefighter Benefits Law (VFBL) policyholders in New York State. This applies to all insurance companies and providers doing business in New York State. The New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board (NYCIRB) has implemented a new calculation this year to determine the […]
Important announcement regarding your workers compensation and VFBL coverages relating to the Covid-19 virus
Fire Districts of New York Mutual Insurance Company (FDM) is committed to our insureds and providing Workers Compensation (W/C) and Volunteer Firefighters Benefit Law (VFBL) coverage needed not only difficult times like this, but every day. Our policies cover for exposure to infectious diseases to any of your members who respond to a call your […]